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Air filter regulators
Air regulators
Sản phẩm liên quan Ống kim loại mềm luồn dây điện Việt Nam FCP112
Regulator SMC AR10-M5B-1RZ-A Port size: M5; Metric thread; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Right to left
Filter regulator SMC AW30K-03BDG-R-B Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (without limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW40-F02CE-2-B Port size: 1/4"; G; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Filter regulator SMC AW30-02BDE1-2-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Lubricator SMC AL30-N03-6Z-A Port size: 3/8"; NPT; 40l/min; Flow direction: Left to right; Without drain cock
Filter regulator SMC AW20-N02BCE-CZ-B Port size: 1/4"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW20-02BCG-1R-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.02...0.2Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (without limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW60-06CE-2R-B Port size: 3/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Filter regulator SMC AW20-02BCM-6-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (with color zone)
Lubricator SMC AL20-N02-3-A Port size: 1/4"; NPT; 15l/min; Flow direction: Left to right; Lubricator with drain cock
Filter regulator SMC AW40-N04DG-8-B Port size: 1/2"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (without limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW60K-N10DE-Z-B Port size: 1"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Regulator SMC AR20-F01-1-A Port size: 1/8"; G; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Left to right
Filter regulator SMC AW30-03BCE-2NR-B Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Regulator SMC AR25-02BM-1RY-A Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.02...0.2Mpa; Flow direction: Right to left
Filter regulator SMC AW30-N02-2RZ-B Port size: 1/4"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Without pressure gauge
Filter regulator SMC AW30-02BE-NR-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW20K-02BE1-R-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Filter regulator SMC AW30-03DE-8-B Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Regulator SMC AR25-02BG-1RY-A Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.02...0.2Mpa; Flow direction: Right to left
Regulator SMC AR40-N04-NRYZ-A Port size: 1/2"; NPT; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Right to left
Filter regulator SMC AW30-02BE1-N-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Filter regulator SMC AW30K-N02-Z-B Port size: 1/4"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Without pressure gauge
Filter regulator SMC AW40-06CE-B Port size: 3/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW30-03BG-J-B Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (without limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW60-F10G-R-B Port size: 1"; G; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (without limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW40-F04E-B Port size: 1/2"; G; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW20-N02-6CNZ-B Port size: 1/4"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Without pressure gauge
Filter regulator SMC AW40K-04BG-NW-B Port size: 1/2"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (without limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW30-02BDE-N-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Regulator SMC AR40-N02-Z-A Port size: 1/4"; NPT; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Left to right
Filter regulator SMC AW30-N03BG-2RZ-B Port size: 3/8"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (without limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW30-02BCE1-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Regulator SMC AR40-06B-NR-A Port size: 3/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Right to left
Filter regulator SMC AW30-02BE1-8-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Filter regulator SMC AW20K-02E3-2-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Filter regulator SMC AW40-N06CE-8Z-B Port size: 3/4"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW60K-06BG-R-B Port size: 3/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Round type pressure gauge (without limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW30-03BD-R-B Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Without pressure gauge
Filter regulator SMC AW30-03E3-2-B Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Regulator SMC AR25-F02G-A Port size: 1/4"; G; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Left to right
Regulator SMC AR40-03G-A Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Left to right
Regulator SMC AR25-03G-NRY-A Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Right to left
Filter regulator SMC AW20-02BCE-CR-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Square embedded type pressure gauge (with limit indicator)
Filter regulator SMC AW40-06BDE-2R-B Port size: 3/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Filter regulator SMC AW40-03E-2R-B Port size: 3/8"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Regulator SMC AR30-F02-R-A Port size: 1/4"; G; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Left to right
Filter regulator SMC AW30-N02E1-2ZA-B Port size: 1/4"; NPT; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm
Regulator SMC AR20-N01-NRYZ-A Port size: 1/8"; NPT; 0.05...0.7Mpa; Flow direction: Right to left
Filter regulator SMC AW30-02B-RW-B Port size: 1/4"; Rc; 0.05...0.85Mpa; Filtration level: 5µm; Without pressure gauge
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